Superfluous Thoughts…

These are the 10 top things that ran I around my head while I  cooked Terriyaki chicken over a bed of rice tonight. I used Soy Vay To marinate. Got to love that product name. The following are not in any particular order.

10. I could probably watch the remaining 13 episodes of Heroes in one sitting on iTunes and enjoy every minute of it. Although I would terminate the storyline with Ali Larter. Her kid is annoying who I can only liken to a young Mario Lopez or a poor man’s version of Will Smith’s son in the “Pursuit of Happyness”.

9. I really hope Kobe Bryant gets traded to the Bull because a starting five of Deng, Odom, Gordon, Walton, and Brown will result in a better record. Additionally,  the Lakers could get a solid player with the #9 pick, perhaps even steal Corey Brewer, although he will probably be gone.

8. Am I that vain that I felt self-conscious driving my Chevy Cobalt rental around ritzy Newport Beach today? Sadly, yes. Did I also get a kick out of the fact that it was devoid of any power functions, thus I had to roll the window down at a drive thru today a total of 4 times, and that the back seat smelled like a combo of pine sol and dead rat. Yes, as well.

6. I wonder what caused Larry David and his wife to get divorced. If she really looked like his Curb wife, would they have gotten divorced? Probably not.

5. “Knocked Up” was a terrific movie but I still don’t want kids for at least 6-8 years. It completely restored my faith in Judd Apatow. I am now convinced he dumbed downed “A 40 year old virgin” to prove to the studio heads that he could make blockbuster comedies, so he could make this movie.

4. I think Microsoft will buy Yahoo! On another note, I am so old that barely any of my friends are on Facebook. If I could buy shares in Facebook right now, I think I would allocate over 80% of my portfolio to the site. This article puts forth an interesting potential MySpace-Yahoo collaboration. I love the Murdoch quote about Facebook; one sly Aussie, that and the fact that MySpace is now valued at over $10 billion. Pretty fair return for a $580 million acquisition.

3. Was Whitney right that my blog has not been funny lately? Definitely.

2. I weigh 188 lbs…holy crap, I am turning into one of the tubbiest Asians I know.

1. Did I spell superfluous right? I use that word too much and I’m not 100% sure I am using it correctly.

4 responses to “Superfluous Thoughts…

  1. superfluous
    One entry found for superfluous.

    Main Entry: su·per·flu·ous
    Pronunciation: su-‘p&r-flü-&s
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Middle English, from Latin superfluus, literally, running over, from superfluere to overflow, from super- + fluere to flow — more at FLUID
    1 a : exceeding what is sufficient or necessary : EXTRA b : not needed : UNNECESSARY
    2 obsolete : marked by wastefulness : EXTRAVAGANT
    – su·per·flu·ous·ly adverb
    – su·per·flu·ous·ness noun

  2. Chris Fenimore appeared in a dream I had the other night. She was really wasted and I had to remind her who I was, and then she laughed and trotted off. I think we were at the airport. I don’t think I’ve seen Chris in 3 years.
    Dreams are weird.

  3. I assumed Fenimore was a man. Like the Author Fenimore Cooper, who wrote some pretty bad western books around the turn of the century.

  4. Chris is short for Christina, my wife and yes like the author James Fenimore Copper, a distant relative and sadly, a complete writting disaster (see Sam Clemen’s “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offences”).

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