Who Am I ?

My name is Mark Chu Cheong and this is a collection of random observations I find to be of interest, and generally remind me why life ain’t too shabby. Most of the content I publish revolves around pop culture, new media, sports and a ton of superfluous information. So if I were you, I wouldn’t expunge that NY Times RSS feed just yet…

Currently, I work in the media business for Federated Media  helping major brands add value to the ongoing conversation occurring in the blogosphere. I am a diehard Lakers fan and reside in San Francisco. I went to undergrad at CU-Boulder and received my MBA from Pepperdine University.Originally, I hail from  Trinidad & Tobago but have lived in the US for almost 20 years.

The best way to describe this blog is by paraphrasing Woody Allen’s character Alvie Singer in “Annie Hall” who stated, “I would never want to belong to any club who would have me as a member.”

3 responses to “Who Am I ?

  1. There are no comments yet…Kick things off by filling out the form below. (just wanted to kick things off)

  2. Mark,

    My name is Jim Malmberg and I run what appears to have become the largest online networking group for CU graduates. I also believe that we are now the largest LinkedIn group for CU grads.

    As a group, we’re about three months old and have already put several business deals together. I thought you might be interested in participating with us. If so, let me know and I’ll be happy to send you invitations to join the group. If not, I apologize for bothering you.

    If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. You can reach me at 818-728-1100.

    Also, if you keep in contact with other CU grads, and you think they may be interested in joining our group, feel free to pass my contact information on to them.

    Best regards,

    Jim Malmberg

  3. 🙂

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